Week in the Life | Thursday

Valeri morning cuddle

I’m not a morning person. Really, I’m not. However, I get up at about 5:10 am so I can get a little fun time into my day.

Washing greens for salad lunch

I also have more time to put a healthy lunch together.

Picking up the papers

Work duties start by picking up the newspapers.

Opening the library

Then I open up the library. Here are a few more of the workday’s activities which involve…

The cart

driving the cart down to campus,

Law library

visiting branch libraries;

Movable stacks

& picking up books.

the view again

I decided to go for a mini photo walk at lunch to refresh a bit.

Olive tree

orange with a bee

back to the desk.

Then back to the desk.

afternoon coke and meeting notes

Finally home and Ginny’s on the table.

She's not supposed to be on the table

She knows she’s not supposed to be up there. But she’s all “What? Something wrong?”

popcorn fresh

Yay for “Movie on the Square” night and fresh! popcorn.

Movie on the Square: 42

I was happy to see that 42 got a good turnout. Overheard: Man, Harrison Ford is old!

Labor Day Weekend Book Haul


While friends left their apartment to get out of the city, we moved in.

On Sunday we took a long walk up Valencia. Shopping and people watching. We ended up at Mission Comics and I snagged myself a copy of Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz with artwork by Skottie Young.


I probably should have started with the first one, but in this story Baum uses the San Francisco 1906 earthquake as its jumping off point.


On that theme, walking back, we stopped at Dog-Eared Books and meandered a bit. After admiring it multiple times, in multiple bookstores over the years, I made the jump and purchased Paul Madonna’s All Over Coffee.


The pen and ink washes of the San Francisco neighborhoods and skyline are sparsely captioned. Each piece invites pause, reflection, and contemplation.


While at Dog-Eared, I spied
San Francisco Noir (Akashic Noir), a collection of mysteries set in the city.


San Francisco Noir 2: v. 2 (Akashic Noir) contains works from Mark Twain, Jack London and other well known  authors. Those two are going on the “to read” list for sure.






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Link Love: Projects to love, envy, join


This week’s link love is about projects. I’m a sucker for projects on the web, impressed by the creativity in others and their stick-to-it-tiveness. I completed a 365 photo project back in 2006 and am so glad I did. Here are some projects I admire:


365 Collages from iHanna.nu

365 collages – I discovered iHanna from the last link love. Intriguing compositions and lots of eye-candy.


Disco laying out her hexi's for the blanket
Knitted Hexi Blanket – Hexi-puffs (or flats) have been the rage over on Ravelry for a very long time. Disco is making a blanket and raffling it off for charity. Gorgeous color. A “fiver” is one entry to the raffle. More details on her blog. Go Disco Go!



Ordinary Objects – Artist Sonya Philip’s projects are always thoughtful and beautiful. My favorite is this one where she knitted (!) into commonplace objects like milk cartons. My favorite is the BART ticket.



August 11-16 week at a glance

Creative planning – Before I found this flickr group, I started doodling more in my planner and looking back, the doodles make me smile. I’d like to continue on a more creative path of documenting my days. The photo above is from Teresa Robinson a.k.a.Stargardener.


A Week in the Life – I admire just about everything Ali Edward’s does. “A Week in the Life” is a project that documents the every-day. She’s completed a couple of years so far, and invites everyone to join. This year’s designated week is coming up, perhaps I’ll jump in. Here’s her post about the basics of documenting a week in your life.