Yarnbomb project connecting Boston and the world

My Chicago Yarnbomb
My Chicago Yarnbomb

I love a good yarnbomb project. Thanks to @cupcakefaerie I found the story on PRI about The Joining Project. A collaborative yarnbombing of the bridge connecting Cambridge with the city of Boston.

Listen to the story

Here’s a couple of the wonderful images of the project:

The Joining Project


The joining project

Go view the rest or even contribute to its growth.





Mary Poppins Birthday Card

My niece is a Mary Poppins Super-Fan so I made a card using images from Disney’s Spoonful Crafts website.

First I created the word and moved it around until I liked how it looked, then I added the Mary image on top and adjusted the transparency to 85%

You can get both Mary Poppins and Bert Silhouettes here.

Inside knit night, knits in the movies, and kniterly gift giving

knit night at the beer garden

This week our knitting group met at the beer garden where the pretzels are bigger than our heads. Other than being infamous, our beer garden has surprisingly excellent lighting and nice long tables for us to share.

Leslie showed off her cozy cushy color block bias wrap. I am in love with the soft and light feel of the Classic Elite MountainTop Chalet and on size 13 needles, Leslie said it flew.

pink color block

I have not yet seen “Catching Fire,” but the cowl-ish thing Katniss wears is making knitters swoon.

Katniss cowl

Over at LollyKnits, —- has kindly created her version and made it available for free! You can get it from ravelry here.

She’s got that fierce look down, doesn’t she.

You probably know, but in case you don’t the Yarn Harlot is doing her gift guide for knitters again this year. Always a great place to discover new and cool things for knitters.