The trip to New York was planned so I could attend this year’s BlogHer conference. (Haven’t missed this annual conference yet!) Every year is special in its own way. And it always comes down to the “BlogHers” I get to meet.
This year I summoned up the courage to go solo to the Mighty Event and meet internet rock stars Maggie Mason and Laura Mayes. I was supremely nervous and vaguely remember babbling and gushing at them. Sorry Ladies.
While I was there I met the wonderful and very hard working @avb. A New York native, she gave fantastic advice on places to see and on finding the best cupcakes (Amy’s Bread).
I enjoyed chatting with @ljc whom I first met at the first Chicago BlogHer in 2007. (I’m pretty sure I gushed at her in our first meeting, thankfully she doesn’t seem to hold it against me.) And I had a nice visit with @lish while at the Chevy Recharge area.
I thought I would just “run into” all the others that I usually find at BlogHer, but the conference has expanded and I now know that I’ll have to make more of an effort to firm up plans to actually chat with people like @fourthbreakfast, @kikarose, @debroby, and so many others that I missed.

At least this year I grabbed a ticket to BlogHer Food early. Only 2 months away!