I’ve been working on these for a couple of months off and on. They’re Anne Hanson’s Tessare Sock pattern from KnitSpot. A perfect knit for a man you love. The pattern is interesting and without any yarn overs or things that may cause him to view it as “lacey” or “frilly.” The color’s great too. It is a Socks that Rock Rare Gem and the hubby picked it out from my stash.
While I’m using the Tessare Mosaic-like pattern, I’m doing it “Cat Borhdi style”, using the personal footprint directions in her book. I’ve got one “foot” done and plan to knit the legs at the same time after I’ve finished the second foot. As all things Cat does, it is brilliant. I’ve knitted 3 pair of socks this way. Two for me (Mermaid and Cotty) and One for him and they are some of the best fitting socks I have.