Adventures in yarn dying : some photos of the process pt.2

One of the assignments in dye class was to work with your discomfort color. Here are my 3 skeins drying on the bottom rack this morning.


My discomfort color is orange, so the first skein on the left was (and still is) my least favorite. Here’s a close up fully dried – I’m showing the green here because I like that part best.


The dye color is a lot less saturated than it started out. My second favorite, the blue and green below started out with much deeper blues. But I like the faded look of these colors and they remind me of worn comfortable denim.

Comfortable jeans

My very favorite is the blackberry. I thought it would be black black but I still love the result.

Happy colors

So here they are – all happy together. I got a much deeper appreciation of independent dyers and their process. Especially when they have to try to replicate a colorway hundreds of times.

las tres

Thanks again Tina for this look into the dying world.

Author: Tricia

Craft addict, flickr lover, Librarian and Legend in her own room.